Natural: Matcha face mask

Whilst watching Trinny's latest video with Danielle Shine, a natural food chef I found myself yet again drawn to natural, organic beauty. The concept makes complete sense with your skin soaking in everything you apply.

So I went on to Danielle's blog, and (as I am matcha obsessed) found a matcha yoghurt revitalising mask! I lept up off the couch and ran to the kitchen pulled out the yoghurt and the matcha powder I bought in Japan. I followed Danielle's instructions and mixed them up!

Upon application, the mask feels great and soothing on your skin. I made way too much so I ended up including all the way down to the bottom of my neck. I found no skin irritations or uncomfortable feeling. Skin feels tighter when the mask starts drying (after the first five minutes) and my skin feels more awake and vibrant. Danielle recommends using the mask once or twice a week!

Happy mask making!


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